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MK350S Premium Handheld Spectrometer

The MK350S Premium is a full-featured Handheld Spectrometer used by top-tier Lighting Professionals, whose customer base and project scopes are wide ranging, with varying requirements in light measurement and problem solving.
That being said, the MK350S Premium is designed to tackle almost any lighting situation that comes your way, including:
LED Manufacturing
Public Lighting Safety
Lighting Design
Academics & Research
Grow Lights and Indoor Agriculture
Public Lighting Safety – Crush the bad lighting
TLA or Temporal Light Artifacts can be problematic for light safety in public areas. The MK350S Premium measures for problematic areas of lighting.
Flicker – Measures Flicker and provides severity assessment. (based on IEEE PAR 1789-2015 safety regulations)
Stroboscopic Effect – SVM metric measures one of the most dangerous lighting artifacts especially in factories with high speed equipment.
Blue Light Hazard – BLH is an insidious hazard implicated in cataracts and macular degeneration. MK350S Premium provides measurement and assessment. (IEC 62778 and utilized IEC 62471 standards)
Human Centric Lighting – HCL measures how lighting can impact our physiology and chemistry. Poor HCL ratings are implicated in diminished attention, depression and sleep disorders. (WELL Building Standard-V1 and CIE TN 003-2015 Report)
Cyanosis Observation Index – Inadequate lighting in medical facilities can impede a diagnosis called Cyanosis. Artificial lighting lacks certain colors and is unable to display skin colors adequately. This can delay this crucial assessment of skin color, while a patient progresses through registration, waiting lines and triage.
Lighting Design – Create ambiance consistently.
If you are a lighting designer or a light setup coordinator, you probably understand the very subjective nature of light and color. It’s very stressful work, especially with large projects and short deadlines.
With a spectrometer, you are validating your design by the numbers, and saving the data for subsequent projects. MK350S Premium provides Spectrums, LUX visuals and many Color Rendering Indices, to help designers quickly and confidently evaluate their lighting conditions.
Academics and Research – Perfect Teaching Tool, Data Collection, Data Analytics
The MK350S Premium is widely employed by major Universities and Research organizations. It’s easy to transport from office, to lab and classroom. It connects to large screens through PCs, collects large swaths of data, and easily transports and exports data to other systems for data analysis.
Spectrum Measurement – Hitting the target
Precision is paramount when presenting credible numbers . UPRtek spectrometers uses Diffraction Grating with a CMOS Linear Image Sensor to gain very tight bandwidth differentiation.
The MK350S Premium provides over 40 light measurement metrics (CCT, LUX, CRI, CIE (1976/1931), PPFD, CQS, Duv, LambadaP, S/P ratio.

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