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PD-256 + P256TW+P256BF+P888
PD-256 + P256TW+P256BF+P888

Parking Guidance System ( PD-256 + P256TW+P256BF+P888)

The whole system benefits are - Direct traffic to reduce congestions, points drivers to vacant spots, reduce time needed to locate parking space and increase efficiency of parking lot. Ultrasonic detection for accurate reading of vacant / occuiped spots, synchronized ultrasonic sensor pattern for accurate reading. 2 wire system for easy installation and save on equipmewnt / labor cost. It contains of four main parts, Ultra Sonic sensor, PD-256F Plus, Main controller, P256TW, Repeater P256BF, LED information Panel,P888. Dedicated product for ultrasonic radar detector PD-256F Plus Power input:110-240VAC , Up to 256 parking lot per zone controller, Simplified wiring requirement: connecting all 256 detectors with only two wires which including power source to all detectors and two-way signal Communications, Synchronized data input/output at same time between the controller and individual detector to avoid interference among detectors.

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