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QuickInn kiosk- an ultralight kiosk system to check-in and get pass cards for visitor management in hotels and office buildings.
QuickInn kiosk- an ultralight kiosk system to check-in and get pass cards for visitor management in hotels and office buildings.

QuickInn kiosk- an ultralight kiosk system to check-in and get pass cards for visitor management in hotels and office buildings.

QuickInn Kiosk Platform combines seamless hardware and software integration with edge computing technology, making it an advanced check-in solution. The sophisticated Card Dispenser is equipped with ST and Nordic IC chips, enabling NFC communication and Bluetooth connectivity for efficient check-in processes. This perfect synergy of cutting-edge hardware and advanced software, complemented by edge computing capabilities, ensures a smooth and secure experience for both customers and administrators.

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Contact Us:service@xrt.com.tw

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