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Seventh axis system

ChainWe’s Seventh Axis can move the robot along a fixed rail, connecting different workstations or performing complex tasks. The Seventh Axis can enhance the flexibility and accuracy of the production line, especially for applications that require high precision and repeatability, such as welding.
● Extended operating area: The Seventh Axis can transport multiple robots or heavy loads over long distances and to various workstations.
● Greater robotic output: The Seventh Axis can expand the work envelope, allowing smaller and cheaper robots to do the same work as larger robots.
● Flexibility: The Seventh Axis can handle different loads and speeds, depending on the production needs.
● Efficiency gains: The Seventh Axis can service more machines and processes with one robot, improving the productivity and quality of the production.
● Reduced capital costs: The Seventh Axis can save costs by using smaller robots, servicing more workstations, and increasing the range of motion.

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